Indy delivers knockout blow in final seconds to down Blue Dragons
By Joel MuhsSports Editor It went from near celebration toRead More
The student newspaper of Hutchinson Community College
By Joel MuhsSports Editor It went from near celebration toRead More
By Ben ShortStaff Wrtiter Covid-19 has affected a lot ofRead More
Sex trafficking, a subject not talked about as much as it should be, or seen as threatening as it really is.
At Tuesday’s Dillion lecture series, most people came to hear Colonel Mark Tillman’s incredible story over the events he experienced during the 9/11 attacks.
By Joel MuhsSports Editor It may have taken a fewRead More
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly visited Hutchinson Community College on Sept. 16, continuing a long-standing tradition started by the Kansas State Fair. Carter File, HutchCC’s president, welcomed Kelly, recognizing the reasons behind her visit.
by Joel Muhs / Sports Editor A national title forRead More
The day that marks the greatest terror attack ever performed on United States soil, in which four planes were hijacked, and intended to be used against targets in New York and Washington. Two planes hit both towers of the World Trade Center. One plane hit the Pentagon, and one plane was valiantly retaken by its passengers, missing whatever its target was and crashing in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 20 years ago
By Joel Muhs / Sports Editor The script has flippedRead More
By Brooke Greene / Editor in Chief Hutchinson has comeRead More
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