By Shelby Horton

Hutchinson Community College presented “An Evening of Improv” on Feb. 12 and 13 in the Stringer Fine Arts Center Gallery Theatre.

The performance was filled with eight types of improv games and two rehearsed sketches.

The evening started off a little rough as the audience’s first impression of the actors was watching them warm up through a game called “Pass the Energy.”

Most of the actors did a lot of yelling, and awkward movements left some in the audience feeling uncomfortable with the unusual display.

However, as the show rolled into its first improv session, the actors’ real talents began to shine. The mood lightened. It was enjoyable.

The beginning was filled with energy and witty remarks from the actors.

The first sketch was a high-end fashion show, with some interesting choices in clothes and one hairy-legged model.

Dr. Carter File, president of HCC, also participated in the fashion show, sporting a purple wig and cheetah print jacket.

The audience participa-tion really allowed the spectators to become immersed in the production.

Actors Nick Purcell, McPherson, and Terrence Robinson, Hutchinson, stole the show during their improv performance in the game “Take That Back.”

The two HCC students captivated the audience with their witty humor and over-the-top performances.

The end of the show was rather slow and not very memorable.

Overall, I would consider the show a decent success and a delight to have watched, even thought the beginning was decidedly a rough start.

The actors did very well, thinking on their feet, to provide the audience a show to remember and a night full of laughs.

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