By Jolie Shultz
Online Editor

Freedom of speech has always been a hot topic in American topics. Most people believe that they should be allowed to say whatever they want, whenever they want. Free speech absolutists.
One category of speech that people are divisive over is profanity.

“I think the use of profanity is subjective and contextual. In certain cases it’s completely fine to curse, but I certainly wouldn’t do it at church or in class,” said Spearville freshman, Diego Flores. “I certainly do use more profanity than my family. My peers, however, curse more than I do for sure.”

Stereotypically, older generations may believe that profanity shouldn’t become more acceptable and younger generations believe that it should be more acceptable and common, but this isn’t always the case. 

“I don’t really know if (profanity) should be more acceptable,” said Kim Newberry, a professor of sociology at Hutchinson Community College. 

Flores holds some stronger opinions on the acceptability of profanity. 

“I don’t think profanity should be more acceptable. It’s becoming more common, but some people are overusing it and it just doesn’t make you look any cooler,” Flores said, “I think profanity has become more common and acceptable with younger generations because we tend to be more tolerant of it.”

The problem with profanity is that some generations deem it to be vulgar or offensive.

“I think some people just don’t like profanity. Maybe it goes against their religion, or maybe they just think that it sounds vulgar,” Newberry said. “I don’t really care one way or the other. Sometimes a well placed f-word catches people’s attention.”

Flores said that some people may not like the use of profanity due to religious beliefs. 

“I think the use of profanity can offend people in the sense that it makes them uncomfortable based on their beliefs and experiences. For example, I have religious friends that will constantly say ‘language’ whenever I curse,” he said. 

For Newberry in class, she tells her students to be aware of who they’re around.

“Honestly, I think that everyone uses more profanity than in previous times. I tell my students to know your ‘audience’,” she said. 

For some students, they might appreciate when a teacher uses some well placed profanity.

“I do respect when teachers curse in class. I think it makes them easier to relate to. I don’t think it affects their professionalism as long as it doesn’t affect their lecturing and communication skills,” Flores said.

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One thought on “F-bomb: a $%#& friend or foe?

  1. Kate Martin says:

    Nobody thinks swearing makes them cooler, and it has never marked ‘lesser vocabularies’ either. I think swear words are almost entirely emotional, they add credence to emotional remarks, and trying to pretend otherwise and police other’s usage of it is puritanical and rediculous.

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