By Zariah A. Perilla-Best / Staff Writer

Hutchinson Community College students have an amazing opportunity – free tutoring.

Rimmer Learning Resource Center offers tutoring any time they are open, which is Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., and Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

English and math tutoring are always available, but if needed, other classes are tutored through appointment, which can be viewed at

Brad Fenwick, HutchCC Director of Rimmer Support Services, runs this program, and if students need any other assistance, he said he is happy to help.

“Everyone needs a little help from time to time,” Fenwick said. “Good students will seek out that help. Every semester, we see that students who come to tutoring earn an A, B, or C in their courses at a rate of over 80%.” If a student wants to become more involved and wants to tutor Brad also is the guy to talk to. Apply online at and Brad will overlook your application.

Talking to Kimberly who has been working as a math tutor since 2008 was really enlightening. The center can help students from all levels of math and is welcoming new faces. The math center “becomes a home base to many students” because of the family atmosphere it has. “The tutors are really quite fun” and will be awaiting any new faces that want to improve their grades.

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