By Danielle Gadberry / Staff writer

A new place for those students who lack sleep to get their espresso, but this time on Hutchinson Community College’s campus.

Jack Kipp and Justine Fast have opened Grab and Go in the student union. This is a place for students to grab quick pre-made sandwiches, salads, coffee/specialty drinks, breakfast items like muffins and scones, and take them to go, but they’re expanding on their selections currently.

The Grab and Go opened last week, where they started by handing out free samples to get the word out. Now they are open for business. Hours are 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., but they are hoping to extend their hours soon, once more inventory is stocked, for students who don’t get out of class or practice until late.

The espresso served is from Oregon and it’s called Long Bottom Coffee and Tea, Fast said it was a friend’s dad’s company and she’s been drinking it for close to 20 years.

“It’s the freshest espresso in town,” Fast said.

Kipp and Fast are hoping to brand their coffee shop and open it to the public as well. They believe this would be a good way to grow the Blue Dragon community and keep the community more involved in what’s going on on campus.

Grab and Go has seating for students who want to grab a coffee or a bite and sit down for homework or chatting with friends.

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