By Zariah Perilla-Best / Staff Writer

Zach Shanline doesn’t know what free time is.

A sophomore at Hutchinson Community College, he’s a part of the student body and serves as Student Government Association president. He started his own club for sports officiating last year, he’s an ambassador and a Resident Assistant in the dormitories.

Aside from his impressive resume, he’s articulate, hospitable and charismatic. He genuinely cares about his peers and scholars. He’s taking honor classes, strives to be a prime example to his fellow students, and help this school.

Some goals that the SGA has for this year is keeping the school connected with “non-activity-based events,” reaching out to students and having the students reach back.

The SGA is really looking for student-body feedback, regardless if you live in the dorms or are a commuter.

Shanline and others want to hear opinions and just want to check up on students, in general.

One of the things that was a big disappointment was the canceling of the activity fair, but it wasn’t actually canceled. Instead of the annual event at Parker Student Union, students received an email of the electronic Google Sheet to sign up for clubs.

They plan to make small adaptations to most events, like the activities fair, to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. What it boils down to is working with the administration and creating plans on a “club-to-club basis.”

“I just want to see all students get the same opportunities I got to have and I want to grow on that,” Shanline said.

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