By Jared Shuff / Campus Editor

It’s one of the most widely debated arguments of our time. The kind of topic that tears families apart and ruins relationships – Christmas music.

It seems everyone has an opinion over the right time to start playing Christmas music. Some think that Christmas music should not play until after Thanksgiving. 

However, many would listen to Christmas music all year long if they weren’t publicly shunned for it. The thoughts across Hutchinson Community College vary from both perspectives.

Christmas music in itself can be a touchy subject. While many love it, others tend to grow tired of the same songs playing over and over again.

“It’s very repetitive, so I’m always tired of it by Christmas Day,” said Marissa Morton, a third-year student from Hutchinson.

Sage Williams, a sophomore from Hutchinson, shared her love of Christmas music, along with a little insight as to what makes it so unique to her.

“Christmas music is like its own genre,” Williams said. “Almost anytime you hear a Christmas song, you know that it’s a Christmas song, just by the way it sounds.”

For some, the love of Christmas music revolves around their opinion of the holiday as a whole.

“Christmas is my favorite holiday as well, so I think that plays a part in it,” said Ryan Roderick, a Mulvane freshman.

As for when the festive genre should take over the airwaves, opinions vary.

“I definitely go hard starting in mid-November, after Halloween at the earliest,” Morton said.

Williams, despite her love of Christmas music, believes that the Thanksgiving holiday shouldn’t get overtaken by the jingles of bells and the decking of halls.

“Give Thanksgiving some freaking space,” she said.

In the end, it comes down to the preference of the listener. With that said, people should be prepared to hear plenty of carols within the coming weeks. For those who aren’t a fan, earplugs may be a good investment.

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