By Emily Fehrman
Social Media Editor

During this time of the year, it’s often found that not only do students’ grades start to slack but so does their mental health. Two Hutchinson Community College students – Burrton sophomore Maddie Winter and Salina freshman Slade Negus – sat down to discuss having the late semester blues.

Maddie Winter, Burrton sophomore

Emily Fehrman: Why do you think it is that around this time that students get so burned out?

Maddie Winter: It’s starting to get colder out, which makes it harder to get out of bed in the morning. A lot of times we put our school work over our self care. We start to feel overwhelmed and eventually give up. In this instance, eventually means around this time of year.

Slade Negus: I think for the students (more so freshmen) the new feeling and freshness of the off the going to a college starts to wear off so they lose motivation.

EF: Do you think it has anything to do with the holiday season?

SN: I’m almost certain the holidays have something do with it missing family or just feeling lazy.

MW: I think that students are excited for Thanksgiving break and winter break, so it makes classes seem a lot more dreadful. I mean, who would rather be in a classroom than spending time with friends and family.

EF: What helps you personally to get through this rut?

SN: Personally working or accomplishing tasks helps me get through it because once i finish something I feel better about doing more.

MW: I just tell myself that the semester is almost over and to not give up. If I made it this far, I can finish strong.

EF: Do you maybe have any tips to help other HutchCC students from falling behind on their school work this semester?

MW: Don’t save all of your homework for one day of the week, spread it out as much as possible.

SN: Focus on the big grades that matter, tests, big papers, etc.

EF: Is there anything you would do differently this semester?

MW: Study more. I always wait until a day or two before my exam to start studying.

SN: I would have studied more for college algebra it is easier to maintain than to catch up.

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