It’s happening… Next stop, nursing school
“I’m not one to brag. However, I’m going to make an exception today… I have been accepted to start the nursing program at HutchCC” – By Laci Sutton
The student newspaper of Hutchinson Community College
“I’m not one to brag. However, I’m going to make an exception today… I have been accepted to start the nursing program at HutchCC” – By Laci Sutton
A list of all the resources still available to all HutchCC students, regardless of stress level.
Collegian Editor In Chief Tabitha Barr and adviser Brad Hallier discuss how the coronavirus has impacted life, school and The Collegian.
In the first post-COVID-19 pandemic edition of the Collegian: classes and sports canceled, personal columns on how students are coping, and, to keep your mind off things, a review of a nightmarish industrial metal album
The cancellations of the spring seasons left athletes at HutchCC feeling the impact of COVID-19.
“I’m going to write about the struggles I’ve encountered, for those who feel alone, like I do sometimes. As the Wildcats of East High say, ‘we’re all in this together.” – By Emily Fehrman
For students at HutchCC, the abrupt transition from face-to-face classes to online classes has been life-altering. Tutoring services remain available to all students, regardless of stress level.
Caleb Spencer on the Rhode Island-based band’s 2018 industrial rock album “You Won’t Get What You Want:” “One of the best records of all time, and I’d be willing to fight that to the grave.”
HutchCC announced plans to hold a modified version of commencement, utilizing a virtual format. This follows the recommendation of the CDC’s guideline that large gatherings of 10 and more people should be limited.
“We are facing the unknown, but no matter how far away that we have to be, we still have each other” – By Rachel Lyons