I don’t know about you, but I am the type of person who does not like being bothered first thing in the morning.

I will never understand those people who wake up in the morning so chipper and happy. It takes me about an hour and a cup of coffee to be fully aware of what I need to do. Sometimes, I’m still too tired to function so I’m just dragging myself around and nodding off in class.

I beg of you, if you see me walking around campus in the morning, don’t talk to me because I will either ignore you of flat out be rude.

Another thing that I can’t wrap my head around is how there are some people in this world who only need one alarm set in the morning to get up. I didn’t’ know that was possible. I have to have at least five, at most eight, alarms set so I will hear at least one of them and get up. They start at 5:20 a.m. and go on to about 7:05. Sometimes, I’m lucky if I actually get up to those.

I guess what I am getting at is that I love my sleep and I am grumpy in morning. I purposely stay up until about 2 a.m. when I don’t have classes, so I can sleep most of the day since I don’t have to work until the evening. There are some nights that I just can’t get sleep at all, and the coffee just won’t help.

My case Wednesday wasn’t very good though. I didn’t sleep well at all. I got up at 6:30 a.m., I made a cup of coffee, but of course I couldn’t enjoy it because, me being me, got perfume in it. Yes, you read that right. I got perfume in my coffee. So, here’s to hoping Friday morning will go smoothly and I can enjoy my spring break.

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