By Bailey Terry

The Blue Dragon baseball team played Dodge City in Dodge City on April 14 and 15.

Hutch won three of four games in the series.

The Dragons lost the first game 4-3 and won the last three, 12-7, 9-3, and 6-2.

The first game wasn’t very exciting as Hutch scored two in the first and Dodge City scored three in the second, and neither team scored from the third inning until the seventh and final inning.

Both team scored one run in the final inning, but the Dragons lost the game 4-3.

The second game had more happening as the Dragons scored one in the second inning and five in the third with four runs coming from Caden Doga, Ruston, Louisiana.

Going into the fourth inning, the score was 6-3 with Hutch holding the lead.

Over the fourth, fifth, and sixth innings, only the Dragons scored two runs to push their lead, 8-3.

Hutch scored another run in the seventh inning, but Dodge City answered with two runs of their own.

The Dragons pulled out three more runs as Dodge scored two.

As the game finished with a scoreless ninth inning, Hutch took the game 12-7.

The third game began with four runs from the Dragons going into the fifth inning.

The score was 4-2.

The Dragons achieved three more runs in the fifth inning and two in the sixth.

Dodge was only able to score one more run.

Hutch won the third game, 9-3.

In the final game, with two runs from Doga, the Dragons won the game 6-2.

Hutch won the series 3-1.

Hutch took on Brown Mackie in Salina in a single game and won in seven innings, 13-0.

The Pratt game that was scheduled on April 20 was postponed to a later, unknown date.

The Dragons take on Garden City in a series of four games on Saturday, April 23, and Sunday, April 24, at home on the Hobart-Detter field.

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