By Taryn Gillespie
Melinda Dome/Collegian
The holiday of Thanksgiving is being celebrated as a time for no school, black Friday shopping, food, and friends.

Thanksgiving was first celebrated by the pilgrims in America in 1623, as a feast designated to give thanks to God for a good harvest.

Today, some celebrate Thanksgiving to give thanks to our loved ones for all they do for us, as well as for all the good things we have in life.

However, for many the celebration of this holiday has unfortunately veered off of what the original celebration was meant to be.

We get wrapped up in the sales at the local shopping malls, we get consumed by the numerous types of pies and cranberries, and we spend the time off of school laughing and hanging out with friends preparing for the Christmas season.

This holiday should be celebrated by giving thanks to God for what we have and what we have been given throughout the year.

Celebrating this with family and close friends makes the holiday fun while staying on track with thanking God.

Making a thankful tree is one way to take the time to think through the things you are thankful for.

On pieces of paper, write down everything you are thankful for.

Yes, this could take hundreds of pieces of paper, but it is worth it.

Hang each piece on the tree, reading and thinking through each one as you hang it.

Throughout the season, look through the pieces of paper and continue to thank God for the many blessing you have. Share those blessings with your friends and families.

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