By DaKota Hilburn

Loribeth Reynolds/Collegian - A Red Cross nurse prepares to collect a unit of blood on a new-model, padded cot now used in the blood drives.
Loribeth Reynolds/Collegian - A Red Cross nurse prepares to collect a unit of blood on a new-model, padded cot now used in the blood drives.

Students gathered in the basement of the Student Union to help save lives by donating blood on Feb. 2.

The American Red Cross and the Student Government Association hosted this blood drive from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m..

Caleb Dietz, Hutchinson, was one of many students who donated.

“I donate whenever I can,” Dietz said. The Red Cross gave Dietz lifeguard training, so he donates blood to pay it forward.

After people go through the screening process and have their blood tested for iron content, it takes about 15 minutes for the process to be over.

Each person who donated received a red “I Make a Difference” sticker, a Red Cross Blood Donor shirt, pizza and their choice of snack and juice.

Ann Marie Burk, assistant director of residence life and student activities, said there were 69 units donated. This included students, faculty, and community members.

Loribeth Reynolds/Collegian - Caleb Dietz, Hutchinson, squeezes a stressball as he donates blood Feb. 2 in the Parker Student Union.
Loribeth Reynolds/Collegian - Caleb Dietz, Hutchinson, squeezes a stressball as he donates blood Feb. 2 in the Parker Student Union.

According to Burk, the goal was 74 units and they fell short by five units.

“The blood taken from the donations is distributed through the Central Plains Region and is sent to hospitals all over Kansas,” Burk said.

“The next blood drive is scheduled for Fall 2015,” she said.

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