By Bailey Young / Online Editor

We are well into November. To me, there are distinct times within the last three months of the year when one is allowed to transition from one holiday to the next. 

Oct. 1 to Nov. 1 is about all things spooky, Nov. 1 to Thanksgiving Day is all things Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving Day to Dec. 26 is all things Christmas.

Some people may differ in their opinion of those days, but I know that I am right. A person needs to fully appreciate each holiday season and give the holidays the respect they deserve. 

That means not skipping over Thanksgiving. How can someone take for granted the gluttony of ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pie, rolls, and so much more? It’s absolute blasphemy. 

However, I understand being excited, looking ahead, and planning the end of the year decorations and festivities. With that said, there is a thin line between getting in the holiday spirit and partaking in Christmas festivities way too soon. 

One way my family likes to celebrate the holiday season is with seasonal movies to get us in the spirit of the season.

Here are some ideas for when it’s 15 days into Thanksgiving season of movies to watch that are kind of festive but not too festive. 

  1. Harry Potter – Individual movies or as a marathon, the winter scenes in Harry Potter can have just the right about of magic to hold you off until it’s Christmas season. 
  2. “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” – Although not a Christmas season movie, if you’re looking for that extra nostalgia to get you in the thankful mood pop in a classic and watch Snoopy and the gang devour popcorn and toast for their Thanksgiving masterpiece of a meal. 
  3. “Paul Blart Mall Cop” – If you’re more into comedy, what’s better than a security man stopping crime on black Friday with the aid of a Segway scooter, a lollipop, and mall merchandise? 

We only have 15 days left of the Thanksgiving season, so while the rest of the world is getting trampled in retail stores on Black Friday, consider staying home, putting up the Christmas tree, and watching some of my family’s favorite Christmas movies. 

  1. “The Polar Express” – Kids on a magic train to see Santa Claus in the middle of the night with a man they don’t know, some amazing hot chocolate, holes in their clothes, creepy-looking elves, and their parents having no idea where they are … need I say more?
  2. “It’s a Wonderful Life” – It’s a classic in my household to watch the timeless story of George Bailey help an angel get his wings. 
  3. “Elf” – Will Ferrell never ceases to amaze as he takes on the role of a human growing up in the north pole on a trip to see his dad in New York City. Tights are involved – it’s amazing. 

If you need more ideas than just those three (which you do because Christmas movies are amazing), consider all three of the “Santa Clause” movies, “Christmas with the Kranks,” “Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas,” “A Christmas Carol,” “A Christmas Story,” “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation,” and last but not least, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

FreeForm has an amazing “25 Days of Christmas” holiday event, and the Netflix Christmas movies are incredible too, but please try to refrain from all overly festive screen viewings until Nov. 29.

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