By Emily Fehrman
Social Media Editor

This last week, I went on two spooky ghost-hunting expeditions around Hutchinson. The first one was the Hutchinson Library with my Editor in Chief, Brenna Eller. The second was Reno Valley Middle School with our Opinion Page Editor, Tabitha Barr.

I’m sure you are reading this in hopes of hearing about some wildly bizarre ghost encounter, but I regret to inform you that nothing of the sort happened. While at the library, Brenna and I got a tour of all the supposedly spooky areas where the ghost of a past librarian named Ida has been known to be seen.

About the scariest thing that happened was after I made a (particularly morbid) joke and then some strange noises erupted from around the corner. Only to find out it was, in fact, the old elevator starting up. Oh and all the paper Mache puppets they keep in the basement? That was also sketchy at best.

While the two of us were investigating in the basement where Ida was said to have spent a big portion of her time, we rounded a corner and scared the living daylights out of ourselves with a mirror. I am still convinced they used the placement of said mirror to scare anyone who dare walk by while in dim lighting.

The second spooky expedition I went on was to a middle school, I think everyone already has a negative connotation about those awful years of their life. So going into a school where it is supposedly haunted by not only one but two ghosts?? No thank you, count this girl out. But I did it for all of you readers who don’t actually know who I am, but I write to you all as if you do. So basically, I indirectly did it for you – be grateful because this was creepy, but also required me to leave the comfort of my home.

While Tabitha and I were at the school, nothing particularly peculiar happened, but both of us got weird feelings at different times. Tabitha had said on multiple occasions throughout the evening it had felt as if someone had touched her. As in put their hand on her arm to grab her attention or something along those lines. I on the other hand just kept hearing weird noises.

We both experienced weird and dramatic shifts of temperature in rooms. Like, that is not odd enough. All the bathroom doors were open, and I guess that is really irregular. Naturally, I said we should check it out because that’s what we came there to do. While investigating, we came across a stall door that was closed.

Both of us thinking that it wasn’t locked or anything, I jokingly turned to Tabitha and told her she should check inside the stall. In the moment she decided to be brave, or as brave as possible. The moment she went to nudge it open with her foot and it did not budge? I can’t describe how fast I made it out that bathroom, leaving Tabitha to deal with the findings herself.

In the end we never did find out why that one lonely stall was locked. I made up some ridiculous story to freak Tabitha out about how the ghost of the janitor or kid were in there, but in reality, I’m sure some kid thought it would be funny to lock the door from the inside and crawl out.



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