Collegian staff writer Kat Collins auditioned for “American Idol” in Kansas City, Mo. Here, she poses for a picture with some new friends from St. Louis.

By Kat Collins
Staff writer

This past Sunday, “American Idol” came to Kansas City, Missouri, and hundreds of people came to audition.

I went to this event with big dreams, mainly being the childhood dream of making it big one day, and so did many more who came. My father and I drove about four hours to get to Kansas City and stayed at a hotel for three days.

On Saturday morning I packed my things and left town. Once we got to our destination, we checked into our hotel, put our luggage in our room, and left the hotel to go see Barney Allis Plaza. After 10 minutes of driving around looking for a parking spot, we went outside to check out our surroundings.

On one of the corners of the plaza there are some stairs that go up into a higher area in the park, but halfway up the stairs my dad realized that there was a wedding about start. So instead of checking out the place, familiarize my surroundings, we just left.

That night I woke up about 15 times to my father snoring, annoyingly loud. So, each time I waited about five to 10 minutes before waking him up to politely tell him to stop snoring so loud. Sadly, I didn’t get much sleep that night.

The next morning, I got up around 5:30 to 6, and got ready for the day. We headed out to the plaza. When we got there around 7, the line was halfway around the block.

While I was in line, I met a 16-year-old girl named Julia from, St. Louis. She was with her mom for the audition, and they were both very nice. Most people in line were very nice.  The only thing that bothered me was when I was in the four-lined group audition line, the people who were still in line for the security check started singing loudly a bunch of Katy Perry songs repeatedly. Which was disrupting, and distracting to the people who were auditioning.

Once I was in front of the audition line there was a lady guiding us to where we were going and to help calm the nerves. She pointed us to where we had to go, we sang our songs in front of an Australian producer. We all got a no, but he said to come back next year because we could all sing, but the competition is really hard this year.

I had a great time and I would definitely go back again if I had the chance.

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