By Carly Thompson
Editor in Chief
At the beginning of a new school year, it seems like students are motivated to jump into their classes with a fresh start.
After Christmas break, however, some students find it hard to have that same enthusiasm for school, especially when students are having to walk between classes in below freezing temperatures.
“In the fall it’s a new year,” said Leona Vinsonhaler, a Kinsley sophomore. “Kids are ready to meet new people and get started, then by the second semester they’re tired of classes and going to school.”
Summer break gives students a chance to reset for the fall semester. However, come spring, the newness has worn off and students are potentially burnt out. Fall semester has just wrapped up and students feel a sense of achievement just to turn around and jump right back in.
The fall semester is also more broken up with fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas breaks.
“During the spring semester, we have less breaks to look forward to, and as it gets closer to summer break, it can be hard to stay motivated to finish the semester,” Hutchinson freshman Alyssa Wall said. “Even in high school after winter break, the school year just seemed to drag on.”
With less breaks in the spring, students seem to get stuck in an endless loop of homework. The only light at the end of the tunnel is getting to summer.
In order to stay on track in the spring semester, Vinsonhaler said she makes sure she takes the time outside of school to spend time with her friends and visit home.
“Spending time and doing other things and then focusing on homework and school help relax me a little bit,” Vinsonhaler said.
She also reminds herself that she is already half way through the year.
Wall takes time for herself to take care of her body. She goes to the gym frequently in order to relieve stress and feel better overall.
While the spring semester can be a struggle for students, it is important to take care of mental and physical health too which in turn, can help with academic life. After all, summer is coming soon.
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