By Carly Thompson
Editor in Chief

Carter File has been a part of the Hutchinson Community College family since 2005 and plans to retire in Aug. 2024. 
File is proud of his role in helping students attain their higher education goals in providing access for students to utilize HutchCC’s education services. The goal has been to improve and maintain an accessible and affordable education that appeals to the student’s needs. 

In doing so, he has been able to be a part of many improvements, like the student dining center and the addition of the courtyard and greenspace north of Gowans Stadium. He also emphasizes the priority of students’ enrollment in the classes they want with professors that they will enjoy. 

During his tenure, he is proud of the growing opportunities for students. File takes pride in HutchCC athletics as well as the expansion of the nursing and cosmetology programs. He looks forward to seeing what becomes of the upcoming barber program. 

“Dr. File always makes it a point to support HutchCC activities and programs. On any given week he might spend three to four evenings at HutchCC events, including some weekends,” said Becky Rogers, Administrative Assistant to the President.

Higher education is important to File and he believes that it will continue to be pertinent in the future. He said he believes that, economically, it is one of many paths to sustainable wages and holds value to improving the individual. He also said he thinks community colleges can be beneficial to students because of their reasonable cost. 

Policy makers and non-traditional forms of education pose challenges to higher education but File said he believes that higher education will adapt and be able to make changes when necessary to maintain itself as a respectable option. 

“There is no better investment of time or money that a person can make than a higher education,” File said. 

As for the transition in finding a new president, File plans to play whatever role the board deems necessary. He has helped establish the search method and presidential profile and more information on the search process will be available around mid December.

“I have been so lucky to work with Dr. File. It is the first time in my career working in higher education, and I have great admiration of the knowledge Dr. File has for the education system and the politicking that goes with it,” Rogers said. “I don’t think anyone will fill Dr. File’s shoes, but it will be exciting to watch the new president build their own legacy at HutchCC.”

In his retirement, File plans to spend more time in the Tampa area where his children, grandson, and mother-in-law reside. 

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