By Cassidy Peterson
Staff writer

One of the longest-tenured professors at Hutchinson Community College is Roy Broxterman. 

He has dedicated 52 years to teaching at HutchCC. Broxterman began teaching at HutchCC in 1971. He retired from HutchCC in 2009, spending 38 years at the college. He did not finish off his career there though, he has continued teaching at HutchCC part time for the last 14 years, instructing mostly online classes. 

Broxterman currently is a professor for online Accounting II and is an academic advisor. Before taking on the job of accounting professor, he previously worked at Penny’s and was a national bank examiner for a few years, along with serving in the military for two years. 

Broxterman attended Saint Benedict’s College (now Benedictine College) in Atchinson for two years, then graduated from Kansas State University, where he earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree. He has taught Accounting I and II, Business Math in Accounting, and Managerial Accounting. 

When asked why he has stayed at HutchCC for so many years Broxterman said, “I really like the students throughout the years and developed some really good friendships and I really like the people I work with overall.” 

He emphasized that his fellow faculty members and the way he is treated at HutchCC have kept him working at the college. He also made a point to say that he likes advising students and getting to see them and talk to them in person. 

“I meet a lot of students that are here and that I’ve had and I just kind of enjoy seeing them again and they remember me and I sort of remember them by face,” Broxterman said.

Broxterman noted that one memorable moment of his career was when he won the Golden Dragon award.

After being asked about his future plans, Broxterman said he wants to continue to work at HutchCC as long as he can have his office on campus. In addition, he wants to keep traveling with his wife and visiting his grandchildren.

“Roy is really a great guy, committed to helping students get where they want to go,” said Tricia Paramore, HutchCC Vice President of Academic Affairs. We’ve been fortunate that he’s been willing to share his expertise and his time with HutchCC for so many years.”

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