By: Sam Ojeda / Staff Writer

Rimmer Resource Center has many tutoring opportunities for students. On the campus of Hutchinson Community College, there is a building in the middle of campus that offers excellent educational opportunities to students on campus. This building provides the opportunity for students to come and advance their education and work on getting scholarships to four-year schools.

Paula Freeman is an Evening Supervisor and Paraprofessional inside the Rimmer Resource Center. She has worked at HutchCC for 11 years and has much experience in many different fields of study, including Math, English, and Science, just to name a few. She believes that Rimmer is for more than students wanting to raise a grade, “Here at Rimmer, we welcome students who need a grade raise and also students who have that 4.0 GPA.” Mrs. Freeman, who goes by Ms. Paula, wishes students would take advantage of Rimmer’s capabilities.
Rimmer offers more than just tutoring: “Here at Rimmer, we offer magazines and many books for research and great references.” Ms. Paula said. Rimmer is for more than just students, though, “Teachers use our facilities here a lot.” Ms. Paula stated, “They order many books and come in to research ways to make their classes better.”

Rimmer Learning Resource Center

Rimmer Resource Centers offer resources to students all day, “I (Ms. Paula) am here from 8 AM to 1 AM every single day offering to tutor and offer all sorts of bits of help to students.” She was clear that even though it was 1 AM, students came in that late, “With a large presence of athletes on campus, we leave the center open till 1 AM so that they will always be able to work around their busy schedules.” Most students need to learn where tests are proctored if they need to make up something they missed. It turns out Rimmer is where it goes down. The center is around all day to schedule and monitor makeup tests students need.

Overall, Rimmer Resource Center offers all levels of Math and English, and they bring in specific tutors for subjects that students request. The school pays for these tutors so students can learn and keep their grades at a successful level. Rimmer is not being used to its full potential, and Ms. Paula wishes students came in more often, “I have had past students call me and thank me for how valuable the Center was as a resource.” She has encouraged students in the past and will continue to encourage students to come in and use The Rimmer Resource Center as often as they can, “Getting library help does not have to mean you are failing your classes,” Ms. Paula said, “It is for all students at all grade levels.”

Rimmer Resource Center remains open every day from 8 AM- 1 AM for all students in hopes of furthering their education. Students can use the library in the basement and the resources upstairs to raise their grades and maintain the grades they want.

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