By Carly Thompson / Staff writer

David Maness is the Coordinator of Campus Safety at Hutchinson Community College. He’s known to students for his work with campus security.

His responsibilities, however, far outreach that title. Maness patrols all of the HutchCC properties, including the main campus, Peel Center, Davis Hall, Cosmetology, Fire Science, Media Production, and South Campus. In addition to patrolling, his job is to issue parking citations and respond to service calls. These calls consist of suspicious persons on campus, sick or injured persons, vehicle jump starts, unlocking cars, and more.

“Pay attention to your surroundings,” Maness said about staying safe on campus. “I see so many students walking around looking down at their phones and not paying attention to what is happening around them. I’ve seen them step off the curb into the roadway and never look to see if any traffic is coming. In the main parking lot, I see them walk out from between the cars and never check to see if a vehicle is coming. There have been students struck by cars but luckily nobody has been seriously injured. Why would they put their safety in the hands of a driver they do not know? Look up.”

Aside from all those responsibilities, he is also responsible for fire and safety equipment. This involves testing and maintenance of the fire alarm system, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, the automated external defibrillator, and stocking the bleed kits. Maness even helps the dorm staff with their fire drill each semester and walks with the fire marshall during the annual inspection. He makes sure that everything gets taken care of if needed.

Maness also checks all of the ground fault circuit interrupter outlets at each campus to make sure they are operating properly. Maness is the chairperson of the Safety and Security Subcommittee. They discuss and find solutions for any safety concerns. 

“One of my more enjoyable tasks is picking up and returning the Dillon Lecture Series speakers to and from the airport,” Maness said. “That gives me some one-on-one time to visit with them about their adventures as well as tell them about Kansas, Hutchinson, and HutchCC.”

Even though he has a lot on his plate, Maness said he is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm on weekdays. While Maness is not on the clock, Securitas, a security company, is around to aid in any issues. A Securitas officer is also scheduled at the dorms from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. every day. 

The best way to contact security is with the phone number (620) 665-3397, or dial 3397 from a HutchCC phone. 

“I would urge students to put that number in their phones in case they ever need assistance. That number is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Maness said. 

That number came in handy for Jaeleigh Darnell, an Auburn, Neb., freshman. Over Halloween weekend, several cars were broken into at the dorms. Her car was one of them and she had the number saved in her phone. She was able to get a hold of security quickly and come up with a plan.

“He was able to tell me different ways to handle the situation and he told me where to go to get help,” Darnell said. “I really appreciated the help and guidance in that situation.”

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