By Brooke Greene
Editor In Chief
A unique father-daughter duo has formed on Hutchinson Community College’s Jazz Band.
Jason Holland, a HutchCC Fire Science Instructor, and Maddie Holland, a freshman from Hutchinson, enjoy playing their instruments together, and, intriguingly enough, they both started playing during the fifth grade while attending Buhler schools.
Jason plays the trombone and Maddie plays the trumpet, neither of which are easy to play. The pair’s passion for music makes the experience all the more valuable.

“I chose the trombone way back in grade school, because it looked fun and I could easily make my mouth do the correct buzz in the trombone mouthpiece,” Jason Holland said. “As a bit of trivia, when I’m playing in the HutchCC Pep Band I’m playing my very first original student trombone. I’ve kept and have played it all these years.
“My daughter Maddie plays trumpet for all three HutchCC Bands – Concert, Pep and Jazz, while I play in Jazz and Pep. I will fill in other bands if requested, and I’ll play in the Hutchinson Community Band this summer.”
Obviously, these two stay busy, between school, teaching, their home life, and this extra-curricular activity. Being a student or teacher has its challenges, but it is always recommended to have a way to relieve any stress.
Jason said this was exactly what being in Jazz Band offers him.
“As a HutchCC alum, I’m playing in the same room I did way back then,” Jason said. “I enjoy playing because it’s so relaxing and great for my mental health. As an instructor, I can enjoy no phone calls for that hour during band. I also enjoy meeting and watching all of the band students grow and get stronger as musicians. As a father, what is truly priceless right now is the fact I get to play with my daughter Maddie. She’s an amazing trumpet player”
Music has the tendency to bring people together, whether a group of friends goes to see a concert together, a couple sisters belt their favorite songs in the car, or family hands the musical practice down to their newest generations to play together, like Jason and Maddie have.
“Growing up, my dad always talked about how much he enjoyed playing his instrument, so it’s fun being able to see him do that,” Maddie said.
HutchCC has several options for musical prodigies, or for those just looking to have fun.
“If a student here at HutchCC enjoyed playing an instrument, or singing in high school, I would encourage them to come check out our music department,”Jason said. “Music is a time when we can just put our busy times on hold and experience some fun.”
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