By Colin Shields
Staff writer

Transfer, the dreaded “t-word”, that most community college students do not want to hear, can bring a lot of doubt and confusion.

Transferring upon graduation from Hutchinson Community College can be an exciting time. Students get to see their hard work and dedication from 8 a.m classes finally pay off, bringing the excitement of a new journey and step in their lives. However, it can also bring those feelings of uncertainty.

Two HutchCC sophomore’s, Christian Sampson and Jeannie George, are set to receive their Associates in Arts degree this May and plan on attending four year universities in the fall. Wichita State was the obvious choice, for Sampson as he wanted to remain close to home. George, on the other hand, explored some colleges located in the southern part of the United States before deciding to stay close to home at Kansas State.

“At some point I would like to go out of state so I’ve been looking into other universities farther south. I decided on KSU because they are a good fit for me while I prepare to find another college,” George said.

For Sampson, a college close to home was his best fit. “I chose to go to WSU because it will be the easiest transition and they have what I want (academically),” Sampson said. “The process itself has been super easy. The only stressful part has been trying to find somewhere to live.”

However, after looking around on the housing market, Sampson found a home close to the campus.

“I have roommates planned out, and we are getting a home around the westside of Wichita,” Sampson said.

Another fear some students will face is trying to find out if all of their classes and credits will transfer to their next university. Both George and Sampson will be able to transfer over all 60 credit hours they have taken in their two years at HutchCC and stay on track for graduation in two years in the spring of 2024.

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