By Mason Poepperling
Staff writer

We live in unprecedented times. It’s a cliche but it’s true.

Every year, it seems like a new global event occurs in what seems like the universe trying its hardest to make this year just a bit more dire than the last.

This year’s global event has come in the form of a massive invasion of the Eastern European country Ukraine being carried out by Russia, Ukraine’s neighboring country to the east. While this isn’t the first time Ukraine has had an invasion attempt acted upon by Russia, an invasion of this magnitude has affected not just those in Ukraine, but those with strong connections to the country, including Mira Clobes, Professional Proctor and Administrative Assistant at Hutchinson Community College, who is from Ukraine.

“Witnessing the crisis in Ukraine has been heartbreaking for me. I have no words to express how much it hurts to see all the war crimes Russia is committing against Ukrainian nation,” Clobes said. “This is not the first time in history Russia has been aggressive towards Ukraine, but it’s shocking that this is happening in today’s age. With its people united more than ever, I’m sure Ukraine will recover from this. I just hope the world doesn’t forgive Russia for this … I know Ukraine never will.”

Mira Clobes poses for a photo in Rimmer Learning Resource Center. Clobes is a Ukraine native. Photo by Danae Moser.

Witnessing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted many responses around the world, with support for Ukraine in its fight against invaders spreading like wildfire.

“Most of the reactions and thoughts I have heard and seen are heartwarming,” Cloves said. “I am very thankful that the world came together to help Ukraine during this crisis. Seeing all the different countries help Ukraine in so many ways gives Ukraine and its citizens strength to keep fighting for their freedom and the future of Ukraine.”

Of course, for every positive response to the Ukrainian crisis, there is one that comes from a place of misinformation when it comes to Ukraine and Russia’s past. Clobes said she believes that this is an important time for anyone uninformed about the tumultuous relationship between Ukraine and Russia to research the topic.

“Once you get yourself informed about the history of Ukraine, it becomes very clear why this is happening right now, and why Ukrainian people are desperately fighting for their freedom and independence from Russia,” Clobes said. “The time period that is particularly striking, and one that all Ukrainians look back to, is the time from 1932 to 1933 called Holodomor. It was a man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians while Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union. There are many more examples of repressions that occurred while Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, and it’s not surprising that Ukrainians will fight until they can’t to not let history repeat itself.”

In the end, much like past global events, it’s important to make sure any information people consume on the Ukrainian crisis is coming from a trustworthy source. Minimizing the spread of misinformation on the Ukrainian crisis is one of the best ways for the world to be properly informed on the situation as it develops.

“I would recommend they get themselves informed as best as they can using trustworthy news sources before discussing this topic, Cloves said. “Because this situation is very complicated, and political in nature, I would recommend thinking critically about everything you see and hear. If (someone) is discussing the crisis in Ukraine with the person that lives, lived, or has connections in Ukraine, I would recommend bearing in mind that this situation is probably very difficult, and traumatizing for them. Don’t assume that you know how they feel, and be ready that the person will have a strong opinion on this topic.”

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