By Brendan Ulmer
Staff writer
The transfer of information from person to person is as imperative to society as breathing is to the individual. From prehistoric cave paintings, to campfire stories, to speeches at the United Nations, the undying human instinct is to tell people things and communicate with them.
Over time, it became important, even for those who weren’t in each other’s direct vicinity, to be able to communicate with one another. The solution to this issue was the postal service, which was adopted by the infant United States back in 1775. It wasn’t until more than 300 years later that its throne as the premier long distance communication method would be usurped by something that was seemingly more convenient, email.
However when some Hutchinson Community College students look at how crowded their inbox is, it’s hard to imagine a humble little mailbox would be able to handle the new demand.
“This is so embarrassing,” sophomore Abby Nisly said, “but I have 4,786 (unread emails)”
While 4,786 seems like a lot of anything, especially when the item that does have such incredible quantity is often asking for the receiver to respond to it. It’s like a nanny having to deal with a chorus of children in need, some of whom need direct attention, others who are wondering if you’re interested in who’s coming to the Fox Theater in the spring. Having a high number of unread emails hardly seems abnormal, considering the access companies have to our contact information and their desire to advertise their product.
“I’m subscribed to so many things that it makes it hard to sort through the priorities and the junk mail,” Abby said, “I’m considering getting a second email for important stuff. It’s something I have to check everyday and I’m forgetful.”
On the other hand, there are people with the grit and determination to sweat out a full inbox and get everything read.
“I believe I have zero (unread emails) right now”, said sophomore and cross country runner Noelle Buckhaults. “I check it every morning and afternoon.”
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