By Sam Bailey / Editor In Chief

“I WON THE ELECTION!” – Former President Donald Trump.

On Jan. 20, former Vice President Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

“I think it is good to see Trump leave office,” said Hutchinson Community College sophomore Jordan Galliher. “The nation needs unity right now, especially after the capitol riot. We need strong leadership that listens to health officials to finally get a handle on the pandemic.”

Along with Biden, Kamala Harris was also sworn into office as Vice President.

This marks the first time a woman and woman of color has been elected as Vice President.

“I feel like we are one step closer to ending the stereotype that ‘a woman can’t do a man’s job,’” said sophomore Lalo Sanchez.

Having a woman hold such a high office can be inspiring for young girls all over the nation.

“A female Vice President is so overdue in this country,” Galliher said. “It is so important for young girls to see a woman in such a powerful office. I am so excited to see the doors that this will open, and hopefully the U.S. will have a female president someday.”

The inauguration not only featured the swearing in of the new President and Vice President, but also hosted musical guests such as Lady Gaga, Garth Brooks and Katy Perry.

One person who was not present was Trump, who left Washington earlier that day. Even though Trump had already left, former Vice President Mike Pence was still present.

“I think it’s disappointing that Trump didn’t attend the inauguration, because America is a model for peaceful transitions of power. However, I am glad that the inauguration happened safely and there were no more riots,” Galliher said.

While there were high emotions and high stakes involved in accepting[3] [4]  a new president into office, many lighthearted memes were created from that day.

“I love the memes, especially the ones of Bernie Sanders,” Galliher said. “I think they’re great because they are making people laugh during a stressful time.”

Biden got right to work when he was elected, signing 17 executive orders the day he entered office.

“I am glad that Biden is taking fast action, because there are so many issues that have not had solutions in the past four years,” Galliher said. “I think the swift action is long overdue, and I’m glad that Biden seems to be following through with his promises.”

Jan. 20, 2021 was a historic day for the United States of America, and over the next four years, the country will get to watch as the 46th President and the first woman Vice President try to unite a torn nation.

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