By Kyran Crist / Online Editor

With finals and other academic deadlines coming up, Hutchinson Community College students are stressed or tired beyond measure.

On top of that, they also have holiday stress with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.

With those happy little notes singing songs in the backs of student’s heads, they may feel overwhelmed. It might be good to take a step back and think about some of the good in life, even in trying times.

Here are what some students are looking forward to with the holiday season coming up.

“Christmas music and movies, they really set the vibe for the season.” – Aaron Geissinger, Abilene sophomore.

“Time to sleep in, get to work on my hobbies, or just veg out.” – Bailey Nachtigal, Hutchinson sophomore

“My friends and family.” – Cole Anderson, Hutchinson sophomore

“I’m real excited for all the free time I’m going to have.” – Gabe Crist, Hutchinson freshman.

“Staying safe and healthy.” – Jakob Dilbeck, Hutchinson freshman.

“I’m excited for the snow.” – Jace Losew, Hutchinson sophomore.

“Getting to spend time with my family and stay inside. The cold isn’t my favorite thing, so getting to stay at home and relax is one of my favorite things.” Riley Davis, Hutchinson freshman

“Food. Thanksgiving food, Christmas food, just food.” – Zane Allen, Hutchinson sophomore

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