By Laci Sutton / Staff W
I recently got accepted to the Hutchinson Community College nursing program, and while I am so beyond ecstatic, it’s really got me thinking about the current situation of the world.
We’re dealing with a global pandemic from the virus known as COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
As of March 28, there have been over 200 positive cases just in Kansas, with 8 in Reno County.
People are being urged to stay home to prevent spreading the disease more than it already is, but what about those of us “essential workers” who can’t?
I work at a pharmacy, and I’ve had people comment or ask how it feels working on the “front lines” during this outbreak. While it is a little nerve-wracking, I know it comes with the territory.
With that being said, it really makes me think of those that are getting the brunt of the virus just because of their occupation – the doctors, the nurses, and all the other healthcare workers who are put face-to-face with these patients.
Sure it sounds terrifying, but this is the career they chose. They knew when they got into this that they could potentially risk their lives every day. They knew that they would be at risk for exposure to countless different disease-causing microbes.
Here they are, in the midst of the unknown, doing their best to care for each and every one of their patients. They aren’t backing down because it’s scary, they’re stepping up and doing everything they can.
From a future nursing student and a hopeful future nurse, this outbreak honestly makes me even more eager to get my career started. I want so badly to be there in the hospitals and clinics to help care for each and every patient that comes through the doors.
Is it risky? Absolutely. But there’s no better feeling than knowing your work has made a difference in someone’s life, or maybe even saved it.
That’s what the medical field is all about. Putting others before yourself, and providing them with the best care possible.
So, for now, I’ll be doing my part in the pharmacy, and putting out my own little PSA to close out this article.
Please, stay home so we can get this thing under control.
Thank a healthcare worker today. They are going out everyday fighting on the frontlines for the health and safety of our community.
Finally, don’t be nasty and wash your hands!
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