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It has taken too long, but Harvey Weinstein has finally been found guilty of third-degree rape and first-degree of criminal sexual assault. Unfortunately, he was acquitted of the two most serious charges that could have sentenced him to life.

He didn’t get the full punishment he deserved, but the victims finally got some form of justice. He will be in custody until March 11 where he could face 25 years in the New York State Prison.

This was a big step for the #MeToo movement. The movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault has finally made people pay for trying to hold power over others. It has brought attention to many areas that went unchecked and it continues to open up the conversation.

After the verdict was given, Weinstein and his attorneys were ridiculous in their actions and words. One of his attorneys, Arthur Aidala, said that they are going to appeal the verdict and telling the courtroom that they were handling the case very wrong. He also praised Weinstein for being “unbelievably strong” and that he took the decision “like a man.” Some news outlets have also called him a “disgraced producer.” There is so much wrong with those statements and I hope that someday they understand their stupidity.

He is not strong. He is not disgraced.

He is a coward, a liar, an abuser, a rapist. The phrase “like a man” is laughable and punchable all in one.

He is no man. He’s a rapist.

That is what he will be known for and should be known for. Harvey Weinstein is a rapist. He deserves every piece of hell that is coming to him.

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