Ahh summer, the time to relax and have fun with friends and family. Don’t you just wish you could go back to it?

I’m sure any normal college student would love to. Well, not me.

Like most college students, summer for me was mostly spent working and binge-watching Netflix.

That wasn’t too bad, despite getting up early every week day. I will say that it helped me with time management though.

So one day, in June, my best friend, Rachel Wright, asked me if I wanted to go to McPherson to eat.

I said “Yes,” and decided to take my “trusty” green machine – a Montero Sport Mitsubishi – named Reid after Spencer Reid from “Criminal Minds” of course.

As we were leaving my hometown of Little River, I started bragging on my car saying that nothing bad has happened with it in a while and that I was so proud of it.

You know, when they say that karma is a b-word, they really mean it.

Once we got to McPherson, we decided to go to Walmart first, which is across town from where we wanted to eat. I pulled up to the parking lot and could smell burning rubber and assumed that it was a truck in front of me, but then I noticed that puffs of white smoke were coming from the hood of my car. Of course it was my car.

Naturally I freaked out because I know absolutely zilch about cars and called my dad. He told me to wait for him, so Rachel and I decided to go back to the restaurant and eat since it would be a while.

When my dad finally got to the restaurant, he had my sister Kylie with him. Dad opened the hood, and checked out my car and figured out the problem like most dads do.

I, on the other hand, still have no clue to this day what the issue was, even though he explained it to me several times. I also had to wait a whopping two months to drive my car, but it is going all right now (fingers crossed).

On the bright side, besides car troubles, falling down the stairs once, (I didn’t drop the movie I had in my hand by the way), and some other normal Brenna-esque mishaps, I had a decent summer.

I swam a bunch, because we got a pool for the first time in about 10 years, and visited family a lot.

My nephew is super adorable, by the way, and I have been trying to get him to think of me as the cool or funny aunt.

Brenna Eller is a Little River sophomore in journalism.


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