Student: Garrett Allee’
Hometown: Viola
Major: Engineering
Honors project: Designing an auto-cap program and 3D printing for an iPhone 7 case.
Project explanation: Garret ale- I am designing an auto cap program and 3D printing for an IPhone 7 cases, in high school my engineering teacher actually decided to 3D print phone cases with the school logo and I wanted to try for myself and it just sparked it for me as well. Mine is more physical meaning I have all my past prints like physical done and I can show people them and show what went wrong and what I needed to change and I can also show pictures of my auto cap program. after I am done with Hutchinson I plan on transferring to K-state once I get there hopefully I’ll make a choice because at hutch they only have pre-engineering and as far as KSU has classes that offer that degree and so that’s what I hope to experience when I go to KSU

Student: Bianca Gutierrez
Hometown: Halstead
Major: Pre-Nursing
Honors project: Researching immunotherapy.
Project explanation: I have a partner and we are researching immunotherapy we are interviewing an oncologist and putting that in our paper so we get someone in the medical field perspective on that. Immunotherapy is the treatment of cancer cells using one’s own immune system cells and normally It’s your own body’s cell that go rouge and it’s injecting the body with a certain disease that the immune system, can recognize and you use to attack the cancer cells. immunotherapy did spark our interested because it’s not something that is being used, not widely and It’s being improved and so we are doing the research on how it works, and why it works and it can impact cancer patients in the future.

Student: Alex Ratzlaff
Hometown: Hutchinson
Major: Computer Science
Honors project: Exploring the relationship between news-media choice and your response to the news being reported on.
Project explanation: Mine is about the relationship between your choice of news media and your response to the news being reported on, for example if you were like you were responding to a post to the Washington post about the walk out, you would be more likely to be supportive for them, than you were on fox news.

Student: Bret Sauvage
Hometown: Falun
Major: Pre-Radiology
Honors project: Research on epigenetics and anxiety, and how epigenetics could be used to mediate or eliminate the effects of anxiety.
Project explanation: Brett Sauvage-  I am doing a research paper that as to be 10-15 pages on epigenetics and anxiety, and how the use of epigenetics could be able to mediate or eliminate it entire the effects of anxiety on people, or anxiety disorders for that matter.

Student: Lilly Ward
Hometown: Wichita
Major: History
Honors project: A cultural analysis over the Greek gods Poseidon and Athena.
Project explanation: “The two and how they been portrayed throughout the centuries, how each cultural there portray has been conflicted of the cultural. I love history and especially mythology and ancient history of geek. Basically anything geek or roman, it just fascinates me. And so that’s why I decided to choose mine and make it history related said Ward for mine I have to write a 15 page over it.

Student: Rachel Wright
Hometown: Little River
Major: Accounting
Honors Project: Crocheting, making a corner-to-corner throw, and benefiting the community.
Project Explanation: For the project, I had to write a research paper on crocheting and how it could be beneficial to individuals and their community. I have spent a lot of hours working on this, 50 at least. It seems like I’m finishing a lot, then I look at what I did and it doesn’t seem like much compared to all of the work I’ve put in. I don’t know what made me want to crochet when I was little, but it’s a great and kind of unique skill to have.

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