My first fully unfortunate week of this semester began Monday, March 12. It was already a stressful day having had a bad weekend.

My Basic Photography class goes from 6-10 p.m. I was leaving my dorm room when I discovered that I locked my keys and camera inside. It took me a few minutes and some choice words to calm down, but once I did, I just went to my class. On my way over to Lockman Hall, some guys thought I was someone else, and I just ignored them, which isn’t really how I should’ve handled it, but I was having a rough time. When I got to my class, Charles Wheeler, my photography teacher, told me he remembered to bring a cleaner for my camera’s sensor. Of course it was the same day I locked my camera in my dorm room.

On Tuesday, I decided to go to my friends’ house because I needed some assistance finding Command hooks. I know, lame excuse, but I needed a little normal in my crazy life. My best friend, Rachel, went with me to Walmart, where we both had an awkward encounter. We were walking through the parking lot when a man in a white SUV pulled up next to us and said, “Hey, ladies”, as if he was about to ask something, so I stopped and my friend who wasn’t paying attention said, ‘What?’

He asked us if we knew what a pall bearer was. We just stared at him like he was asking us a trick question. He just continued, unfazed by our confusion. “You know, the ones who carry the caskets? What do they call them in Oklahoma?” the man asked. I was just too weirded out that he was bringing up such a random subject so I answered, “Um, I don’t know, what?” He chuckled and said, “A Karae-Okie”.

Rachel and I looked at each other and then back to him and just pretended we heard the funniest joke ever, which, to be honest, was a clever one. He told us another joke, but we were already walking away.

Thursday night, I made a horrible decision to drink a Monster Energy drink at 6 p.m. Once 3 a.m. came around I was so exhausted, but also couldn’t go to sleep. My brain was just running non-stop. I thought about nothing and everything for hours. I tried getting up and walking around, nothing happened. I also tried listening to some music that had no lyrics, and reading, to calm me down.

There was a train that I could hear every two hours, and right when I would get relaxed, I there would either be a loud whistle or the wind blowing against the window.

At 5 a.m., I figured it was pointless to keep trying.  I knew my roommate had to get up at 6 a.m., so I figured I would just sleep when she left. By that time, I remembered an algebra assignment I had completely forgot about and finished it. Then I started to get ready for the day.

I tried everything to make myself not look like a zombie, I even dressed up and put makeup on. I have to say, for someone who pulled an accident all-nighter, I didn’t look as awful as I felt.

Every Friday, I deliver The Collegian at 8 a.m., so I was walking over to the building, another Monster in my hand, trying to hide my symptoms of fatigue. When I was done delivering, I headed to my class and told my friends about my horrible accident of staying up all night.

The rest of the day was super hard. I had a ponytail holder on my wrist that I kept snapping on my skin to keep myself awake. I didn’t even eat until I got home, which was scary because I was so tired, but I managed to drive home fine. Once I was finally in Little River I relaxed and passed out on the couch.

On the bright side, Saturday was a good day for me. It was St. Patrick’s Day and I actually felt more rested than ever. I was with my mom and my sister. We ended up going to Wichita to shop and two unfortunate things happened. But not to me.

I’m pretty sure it had to do with me being the only one in green. Long story short, my sister lost her phone in the Warren Theater bathroom and I had to go in and help her after she was done hyperventilating. Then my mom lost her credit card and thought she threw it away in a gas station trash can while she was getting gas. So we were digging through the nasty trash when my sister goes, “Here it is!” And pulled it out of the door handle cubby. Good thing I always have hand sanitizer with me.

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