By Taryn Gillespie
Melinda Dome/Collegian
The older generation of people believe that college- aged students and the younger generations do not know how to have a one-on-one conversation. They are always on their phones.

The elders’ accusations could be a result of being raised in a different time without the technology we have today.

The youngsters do things with different outlooks and in a way that may appear lazy or inconsiderate.

Having constant access to the Internet and loads of online information is something that people have gained since smart phones started becoming popular in 2001.

The accessibility of the Web is the reason many people buy the gadgets. But it is not uncommon to hear a person in their 70’s say “Do you ever put that thing down?” or “You can’t even have a conversation without having that in your face!”

For the people who grew up with cell phones and computers, multitasking is easy; it feels normal.

As for the assumption that these technology-users can’t hold a conversation without their phone, this is false.

When put in a position where it is important to have a one-on-one conversation, whether they use their cell phone all the time or not is not a determining factor.

Conversational skills are gained by the individual based on if they want to communicate or not.

Laziness may be a reason for not holding a proper conversation, but don’t blame the technology.

Oh, just a minute — incoming text message.

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