Albert Goldbarth, one of the best known American poets writing today, will present a talk during the Introduction to Creative Writing class on Thursday, April 30 at 1:10 in the Science Hall, room 102.


Goldbarth, the author of nearly 40 books (poetry, essays, and a novel), is the only author to win the National Book Critics Circle Award twice.

His poetry appears regularly in national journals, magazines and anthologies, including Oxford Press’s Contemporary American Poetry.

Goldbarth will read from his newest collection, “Selfish,” that night at 7 p.m. at the Hutchinson Art Center, 405 N. Washington. The reading is free and open to the public.

If anyone wishes to attend the 1:10 p.m. presentation on campus, they should contact Bill Sheldon at 665-3445 or at

David Baker, of The Kenyon Review, had words of praise for the author.

“Albert Goldbarth is a distinctive and prolific poet, a contemporary genius with the language itself. . . . There is simply no contemporary poet like him.”

National-award-winning author Joyce Carol Oates is one of his fans.

“Albert Goldbarth is a poet of remarkable gifts—a dazzling virtuoso who can break your heart,” Oates said.

In the literary publication “The Rumpus,” a reviewer talked about the author:

“If Goldbarth belongs to a school, he is surely its sole member. He’s simply . . . one of our most generous working poets.”

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