The word is out: The time-worn, conservative interior of Lockman Hall will be getting a new look — at least a cosmetic makeover.

Darriell Rhodes/Collegian - The quaint, framed art posters adorning the first level of Lockman Hall may eventually be replaced by trendier, more impressive art in the near future.
Darriell Rhodes/Collegian - The quaint, framed art posters adorning the first level of Lockman Hall may eventually be replaced by trendier, more impressive art in the near future.

There are plans to examine its interior art works, including the old, framed art posters brought back from conferences in Boston and other places, as well as its wall paint, its lighting and maybe even the old lockers that adorn the walls on its second floor.

Julie Blanton, vice president for finance and facilities, will be meeting soon with an architect to see what kind of ideas he is drawing up for the time-honored structure.

The plans are to begin on the second floor, where staff and faculty have noticed for some time that the hallways seem to be rather drab and under-lit in places, especially the western portion, where the east-west hallway takes a turn to the south.

Once the second floor is made prettier, perhaps as soon as this summer, planning work on the first level will begin.

As that level is beautified and brightened, the classrooms and hallways in the basement level will be scrutinized, so work can begin there.

All this is likely to be a multi-year process, so everyone is encouraged to be patient, as the work gets underway.

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