By Cleary Percy
Staff writer
IG: @cleary_percy
The middle of March means that two things, good and bad, are on the way for Hutchinson Community College students.
First, the bad. Mid-Term exams are rightaround the corner.
The good – the week of Spring Break is also right around the corner.
What HutchCC students plan to do with their week of break varies from student to student.
For Haven freshman Grant Richey, his Spring Break plans are similar to many other college students.
“Over Spring Break, I’m going to Kansas City with some of my friends,” Richey said. “I’ll be indulging myself in lots of sweets and tennis.”
Hutchinson freshman Michael Eddington had a similar plan when it came to playing games over break.
“Over Spring Break, I will be playing ultimate frisbee,”Eddington said.
In contrast to Grant Richey, Haven sophomore Sebastian Evans has other plans than traveling for his Spring Break.
“I’m not gonna go on any big trips this spring break, which kinda sucks,” Evans said jokingly. “I’ll probably be at my house, probably playing some video games or doing homework.”
For some students like Richey, the break is a chance to get out of town and travel. For others, like Evans, it’s a time to relax and home and get work done.
Whether HutchCC students are going to Missouri, or opening Microsoft Word, they can all agree on one thing.
Spring Break can’t get here fast enough
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