By Caleb Spencer / Staff Writer

When Jack Kipp took the job as Food Service Director for Great Western Dining, students hoped that the change would lead to an increase in cafeteria food quality. 

In prior years, students had complained frequently about the cafeteria food quality, and Kipp hoped to resolve some of these issues as director.

Kipp already knew his way around Hutchinson before accepting the job as the Food Service Director. Having grown up in Hutch, Kipp found his homecoming last year to be comforting from a personal standpoint.

“I wanted to be closer to home,” he said about why he left Independence Community College for HutchCC. 

At Independence, Kipp worked for the catering service Premier Food Service, and before that, he worked as an electrician. However, after switching from a manager role at Applebee’s to being an electrician, Kipp said why he felt that being an electrician wasn’t for him.

“You miss the stress,” said Kipp regarding the reason why he went back to foodservice. 

After becoming director, Kipp knew that changes needed to be made. One specific change he made revolved around the variety of meals offered.

“As tired as the students got eating the food, I got tired making it,” said Kipp about the lack of variety, “I try to remember when I was your guys’ age and try to remember what I liked.”

The improvements made to the menu are a part of a team effort.

“I’m not trying to be the one hogging all the glory,” Kipp said. “Every decision we make we do together.”

Kipp gave credit to his entire staff, and specifically named his Assistant Director, Candy, for helping out with the responsibilities of his work. 

It seems that students’ hopes about cafeteria food improving have been fulfilled. Multiple students that I spoke to expressed how much the food has improved over last year’s offerings. Overall, Jack Kipp has done what he hoped he could do.

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