By: Rachel Lyons

Rachel Lyons, Collegian columnist

As the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, the season of resolutions and temporary goals returns.

This year, instead of making resolutions I chose a word to reflect what I want to accomplish. This word is means to serve as a vision board, or a driver for the new year, although Oxford University Press uses the word to define the passing year in one word. 

This year I chose the word “intentional”, which is defined by the dictionary as “done on purpose or deliberate.”

I want to make my actions intentionally refined and grow from ‘mistakes’ I’ve made in the past. I’m already fighting a steep uphill battle that I brought upon myself, because of my inability to be intentional.

In the past 20 something days, I’ve learned that I haven’t been intentional enough with my actions at work. I need to be more intentional about keeping my mouth shut, and what I overhear to myself. I need to be more intentional about not talking when action is demanded. Both things have landed me in an awful situation at work. It may only be a speed bump, but in order to keep my job, I must learn from this and make my actions more intentional. 

Having good intentions is a great starting place, but acting intentionally can help avoid problems caused from having good intentions in the first place. Intentionally focusing on positive actions can change your whole mentality.

If 2019 has already been the year of the #10yearchallenge, and I’m sure we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg in that regard. At any rate, Happy New Year everyone, I’ll talk to you again next week.

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