Thousands of cheerleaders put their bodies through absolute hell and back, and spend so many hours every day leading up to this past weekend. The girls and boys dreamed of winning a ring and the trophy that’s bigger than themselves.
That dream was crushed for some after an incident that was completely unnecessary on Saturday.
Two grown men decided they needed to cause a scene and a massive fight at the National Cheer Association All-Star Competition last weekend that was held in Dallas. The fight caused several poles to fall over that created gunshot-like noises which led everyone into thinking there was a shooter in the building.
Everyone that was in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center was told to evacuate.
I was absolutely appalled to hear about any of this. I was terrified knowing that thousands of cheerleaders, whom some that I personally know, were in this situation, especially since we first thought it was a shooter.
Putting myself in their shoes, I would be still shaking today. Knowing now that it was just two immature grown men who decided to fight over whatever it was, I was very upset.
None of this should’ve happened. The cheerleaders should’ve been able to go through with the competition like they always have, with no problems as serious as this.
Because two (most likely) fathers at the competition decided to throw a fit about whatever it was they thought they needed to deal with right then, thousands of people are left traumatized.
10 people were actually left injured after attempting to evacuate because of the stampede of people also trying to escape.
But then again to think this was all because two grown men (or should I say little boys) couldn’t hold their tempers at all and made an entire building of people leave the convention center, these cheerleaders have a memory that may scar them for life.
For The Collegian Editorial Board.
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