For me right now, the world is a scary place. Every single day in the news and media sphere, new information comes out that sends chills down my spine and causes me to stop.

Recently it’s been reports that only specific journalists will be allowed in the press pool when covering the president.

Another one is that in Colorado, ICE officials may even be leading non targeted or nonspecific raids, trying to round up as many people as they can.

To me, that’s especially bone chilling as it’s reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

I won’t go as far as to make comparisons between our leaders but I do encourage you to look into them yourself. Form your own opinion.

Within all of this political stress that I’ve been experiencing as of late, there’s also the fact that posting about such instances and being vocal about my beliefs seems to upset some people in my personal life.

One of my friends since I was roughly 10-years old told me to stop trying to make myself a victim.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe the fact that I’m a white, middle-class woman means that this political environment isn’t out to get me.

But I can’t agree with that.

Watching my friends and family worry about whether or not they’ll be deported and separated from their families or if they’ll lose medical care that has been proven to be life saving, it’s a traumatic experience.

I am scared for my friends and family. I’m scared for their families and friends. I’m scared for our country as a whole.

And frankly, whichever way you voted, I think you should be scared too.

It’s not just happening in big cities like New York or Los Angeles. It’s happening as close to home as Liberty, Missouri.

This is not an issue of left vs. right. It’s an issue between human being versus human being.

We shouldn’t be separated. We shouldn’t be fighting against each other but foreach other.

And that’s what’s getting me through these scary times.

Seeing people fighting for each other, even if the person they’re fighting for is fighting against them.

The United States is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave.

But from my perspective, the brave are still trying to fight for freedom.

Jolie Shultz is a Hutchinson sophomore studying journalism. She is the Collegian’s Editor In Chief. You can follow her at Instagram.

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