By Kaleb Moore
Staff writer
IG: @kalebmoore05

Next week, the latest chapter of the Dillon Lecture Series will be written, with YouTube star and “Dad of the Internet”, Rob Kenney will be taking the stage at the Hutchinson Sports Arena to speak.

Rob Kenney started making YouTube videos on his “Dad, How Do I?” channel in 2020. The channel’s premise revolves around Kenney showing his viewers how to do things that fathers will typically show their children.

From an outside view, this may seem like a fun idea that can simply show the internet how to do everyday activities. However, if you look closer, there is an even more endearing tone to the videos.

Those who grew up without a father can use the videos to capture something they have never had – a personal learning interaction with their parents. Learning to do the mundane rite of passage activities in life can be an endearing experience between kids and their parents, so when those moments are taken away from some children, good people like Rob Kenney take an idea and use it for good.

Kenney himself is a product of a broken household, with his own father leaving his life at a young age. So, when the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he took his own experience and used it to help kids who went through a similar situation as himself.

Fathers everywhere learned from Kenney and used his content for good. 

Brandon Moore said, “I think that (Kenney) is doing really important things. I’m not too familiar with his content, but I’m really happy he’s able to do what he does.”

Coming from a father who was present in the life of their kid, it speaks a lot to the character and importance of what Kenney has been able to accomplish during his time creating YouTube videos.

The Dillon Lecture Series has been a popular staple of Hutchinson Community College activities. The student draw for this specific lecture may be higher than normal given the online status of the speaker.

Mason Buller, a HutchCC freshman, is also happy about the guest speaker.

“I have been fortunate enough to have a father in my life, but I can understand the importance of what he has done on the internet,” Buller said.

Everyone knows that teachers and guidance counselors are the fire that leads the youth into the future. However, an overlooked factor in learning how to move through life are the parents of those children. Kenney has done a spectacular job taking his own experience and helping the youth of the world grow up with his help.

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