By Jolie Shultz
Editor In Chief
IG: @jolie.rebecca

Hutchinson Community College is planning to get wrapped up from Jan. 25 until March 10 with its First Annual Yarn-Storm. 

“It’s sort of like graffiti with yarn,” said Beth Edwards, HutchCC’s Secretary for Fine Arts and Humanities. “We’ll be creating pieces of knitted or crocheted fabric to wrap around benches and trees to decorate the plaza, as well as partly down Plum (Street). We’ll also be making a very large scarf for the Duke the Dragon statue.”

But the Yarn-Storm isn’t just to decorate the HutchCC campus. 

“The main reason we’re doing this is because we want to create hats and scarves to leave around campus for students, faculty, and the community,” said Department 3 Co-Chair and English Professor Frances Johannsen. “That’s the ultimate goal, that’s the reason we’re wanting to do this.”

Students, faculty, and members of the Hutchinson community are all encouraged to donate their pieces for the Yarn-Storm by Jan. 21.

HutchCC’s Craft Circle is also open to all interested in learning to knit or crotchet. The Craft Circle meets every second and fourth Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Parker Library in the Stringer Fine Arts Building.

Any donations or questions should be directed to Edwards, whose office is located in Lockman Hall 208.

All items such as hats, scarves, and gloves are accepted, whether handmade or store-bought. 

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