When going to college full time, some find it a tad difficult to find a job best suited for them. Or maybe they do not know the correct way to make a resume.

Some are coming into this having had a job in high school, and some are looking for a job for the first time ever. They might have had a different focus at the time. Either way, there are systems put in place to help achieve whatever goal students are trying to accomplish through Hutchinson Community College.

HutchCC has a service on the main website called Career Zone. It has helped so many students find jobs in the area that are perfect for them. The service helps students search and apply to local and national full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and internship opportunities. It also helps create and upload resume and career portfolio to make available for employers. Students can access event announcements, career advice documents, podcasts, videos and articles. HutchCC also has a work study program if someone is looking to get a job on campus.

When discussing the issue that is getting a decent job and going to school full time with student Brianna MacLean, a Belleville sophomore, she said that if you are wanting to work at a specific place, or have something in mind that is not restaurant or retail related, good luck.

After asking how difficult is it to snag a job while in school, MacLean said that it probably is not that hard, and that you could easily get a job at Walmart, or somewhere like that.

Trying to keep her grades up while working is always a struggle for her. MacLean also said how stressful it is trying to find a place to work in Hutchinson once the school year has already begun. MacLean said good places to apply would be hotels or any retail store. After August rolls around, all the decent jobs are taken, and you are forced to apply at fast food places.

“And no one has a good time doing either of those … ever,” MacLean said.

After asking if she had heard of Career Zone and what help it could be to the students of HutchCC, MacLean was shocked that she had never heard a thing about it.


Eight Tips from HutchCC counselor Debra Graber

1. Sometimes you just need a job to give you job experience. Someone to vouch that you are a capable human, other than your parents, teachers or coaches.
2. Find a part-time job, an internship that’s in an area of interest.
3. Apply at as many places as possible.
4. Develop a good resume.
5. Even if you haven’t had a job before you can put what experiences you’ve had, what things are you good at. You can have a resume without having previous job experience.
6. Don’t be picky!
7. Ideally if you could find a job that’s going to match up with some things you’ve done in the past then it’ll be more enjoyable to go to work.
8. Networking, ask instructors, friends, family members. A large percentage of jobs aren’t advertised! It’s word of mouth or recommendations.

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