For my final unfortunate-events story of the semester, I have decided to share an experience that only my best friend Rachel and I would have ever experienced in the history of the world.
It was our spontaneous trip right after of high school graduation. We saved up enough money so that we could drive to the Gulf of Mexico.
It was two days after graduation. We had just gotten extra money from friends and relatives. Thank you to my family members for all of the gift cards!
The only things that Rachel and I decided upon before the trip were to go to Texas and through Waco. We also wanted to go to the beach because I had never been and on the way back, the plan was to see some of my family members in Texas and go to the Dr Pepper factory. Yes, I love Dr Pepper that much.
My mom once lived in Corpus Christi when my grandpa was in the navy. She loved it there and shared stories that made me want to go there.
Rachel and I left around 10 a.m. for Texas. She drove while I navigated. We went from Wichita through Oklahoma City and then Fort Worth and Dallas. When we finally got to Corpus Christi, it was 4 a.m. We didn’t want to waste money, so we decided not to stop earlier.
The only hotel that would accept 18-year olds was a Motel 6, so that’s where we stayed. That night, there was a rain storm, which we documented.
In the morning, we decided it would be fun to find a beach and go swim. It was still pretty cloudy and gloomy out from the storm, and when we found a beach area, it wasn’t really what I expected. It was kind of trashy and there weren’t many people there. It didn’t take us very long to realize we were at an unpopular beach, possibly not a beach at all.
We decided to swim anyways.
Oh and I should probably mention that I forgot to bring a swimsuit on this trip. I know … classic Brenna! Any way, I figured it all out and we went to the salty water that didn’t produce very big waves. It was just an off day.
The next thing that happened will forever scar Rachel and I. We were just swimming in the ocean, minding our own business, when out of nowhere we were hit with a wave. This was no ordinary wave. No siree, this wave was stinging the ever living crap out of us. We thought it was rocks and at first in so much shock that we didn’t even move. When it sunk in that in fact, some sea creatures were stinging us, we freaked out and sprinted, as fast as you can in the water, to the shore.
I looked down at my legs and arms being pinched all over and there were these tiny, clear, blobs. They started dying being out of the water and I started feeling short relief, but they were everywhere, and I do mean everywhere.
I drove us back to the hotel where we washed the gross things off of us. Turns out they were baby jellyfish. I went in thinking I might get attacked and eaten by a shark and ended up getting shocked by jellyfish. Perfect …
On the bright side, Rachel and I still had a good time despite the many incidents that happened on the trip that would take more than a single column to write about and gave us a great story to tell our families.
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