Since my last event was about spring break in Michigan, where my sister, Danielle, and her husband, Jake Jameson, are almost the only ones that don’t have a northern accent, I thought it would be fun to tell another tale about unfortunate happenings in Minnesota.

When I was little, either a 6-or-7-years old, my family went on a trip to Minnesota to see my aunt and uncle. At that time in my life, I had a sweet portable CD player and had three CD’s with me on that trip. The “Spirit” soundtrack, “Shrek 2”, and the very first “Kidz Bop”.

That’s right. I am a movie dork, and my family owned a copy of the very first abomination of all music. However, I will say that there were some fantastic jams on the first “Kidz Bop”, but as you probably know, it all went downhill from there.

We also went to Mall of America, which was awesome. There was a LegoLand, where everything was made out of Legos, and a Cheese World. The best (and my favorite part) was Camp Snoopy, the indoor theme park.

The rides were all themed for certain kid shows or stories. The SpongeBob ride was a 4-D ride. You sat in a big chair that moved around and shook while watching the introduction to the show. I had a blast on that ride, but my little sister was so scared that she screamed and ran out, leaving me to enjoy by myself.

And I had to ride this dumb baby roller coaster with her like a billion times because she was too young or too scared to ride anything else. The ride had only one bump and it went in one little circle. I think my face would have been equivalent to someone on “The Office” looking at the camera.

However, I did get to ride the big-kid rides, like the roller coaster that was above the entire theme park, which was a bit terrifying because I thought I was going to fall off and die. Everything was going pretty smooth for my family, until I almost fell out of a log chute.

It was Paul Bunyan’s Log Chute, and had a mountain theme. There was a big cave that you ride in and inside, Paul Bunyan was motioning like he was chopping wood with his axe, and a bull was with him spraying water through its nostrils. I was absolutely terrified of the giant lumberjack. Little did I know, my sister Leisha made me even more scared the following night when she told me he was coming to kill me with his axe.

Thanks Leish, I had several nightmares about killer lumberjacks after that.

That wasn’t the worst part though. My sisters and I wanted to get a picture on the log chute when you shoot down, so we all piled in – Danielle in the back, Kylie, Leisha, and then me in the front. Mind you, I was probably about 4 feet at the time and had zero grip on the railing holding us in.

So here we were riding up the peak of the “mountain” and Danielle had said to remember to smile because there was a picture at this part. Now all of that had left my brain when we exploded down because I was falling out of the log! Leisha had to grab me and hold me because I was touching the water.

On the bright side I was fine and we ended up returning to Minnesota for my travel softball team that went to nationals.


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