Since leaves are changing colors, the sky is becoming more colorful, and the weather is the right amount of chilly, fall seems to be the time of year for many high school seniors to take pictures.
My best friend and I tried to take pictures, in which we got some good ones of her and I just wasn’t having a good modeling day, So I got my pictures taken in the spring.
Even though I took mine in the spring of last year, I still had some pretty unfortunate things happen that I’m sure not most seniors have experienced.
First of all, I am very grateful to my sister’s best friend, Rheanna for taking my pictures because they turned out really well despite the interesting occurrences.
I picked out three outfits for my pictures, a nice shirt with jeans and boots, and two dresses. One of my locations to take pictures at was at the Little Arkansas River and I went to some rocks near the water.
I did some fun poses pretending to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid while laying on a big flat rock, and when I put my feet into the freezing water, I felt tiny worms crawling all over. They were moving up my legs and I was pretty disgusted as you could imagine.
After that, I put on a different dress and matched it with some cowboy boots. We went to some old railroad tracks by the grain elevators.
Rheanna found the spot she wanted me to squat at and as I was kneeling for the picture on the tracks, I heard a weird rattling noise. I turned and saw in front of me and off to the side, a snake coiled up getting ready to plunge at me.
So I slowly stood up not to disturb the already upset snake, and made my way back to my sister and Rheanna. They looked at me and I just said, “There’s a snake, we’re leaving.” They looked at where I was previously kneeling and saw a head poking out from one of the track beams.
They started freaking out and my sister said she was going to have nightmares even though I was the one that saw it.
When we got back in town, we walked over to Main street. I was already not in the mood to smile anymore. I was pretty much done with the day, but I still wanted to get enough pictures to choose from.
If you are unfamiliar with Little River or Main Street in Little River, usually it’s a ghost town on Sundays.
Let’s just say that this wasn’t the case because when I was laying down for a certain pose in the middle of the street, several local town-folk and church ladies had to make sure I was okay and not injured.
On the bright side, my pictures turned out great and I was really happy I got them done before graduation because I waited until the last minute to turn them in. It is also a good thing I was in Yearbook because I got to design the page that all of the senior pictures went.

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